Youtube is the second most visited site on earth. It is most popular for posting and watching videos online. Millions of people worldwide use youtube to watch videos everyday.
There are millions of videos created on any topic to watch on youtube. All you need to do is to search for the topic(s) that interests you and there will be lot's of videos to watch on them.
The popular video sharing site can be used by virtually anyone, the young and old. One can easily upload a home made movie style clip to youtube. The clip can be watched by everyone worldwide, tagged, commented upon and shared on popular sites like facebook and twitter among others.
Take a look at this screenshot.
When I searched for the keyword "blogging", All the videos related to blogging showed up on my screen.
One does not need an account to watch videos on youtube. All you have to do is to search topics in your interest and you'll have all the videos on your screen. There is a video on how to do anything. From eating cookies to putting on shoes. Just search for them.Once you get the right video(s), you can watch it instantly free of charge. In addition, you can give your comments on that particular video, mark it as favorite to watch it later or share it on social sites.
If your words can't say it all, you can comment on a video with a short video.
- Youtube gives individual access to millions of videos free of charge. Everyone is free to watch any video on youtube once it's been posted. You can even share a video with your friends using it's social share buttons.
- It gives individuals a free platform to broadcast themselves. People can make short videos of themselves, upload it on youtube and get their message heared by millions people around the world.
- It's a medium through which companies and other organizations can use to popularise their brands or products. You can make quality and mind grabbing videos about your product and share them on youtube. Viewers who watch these videos tend to go for those products if the like them.
- Like a facebook page, you can also create and customise youtube channel; a home page for your brand. One a user visits your channel, he/she can have access to all your videos including those you posted many months and years ago.
- Last but not the least, youtube supports many file formats; .MPEG4, AVI, MOV, WMV etc.
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